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Join date: Dec 12, 2022


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Hey, my name is Ashley Sweeting! What can I say about myself? I not one for lengthy introductions but in this case I think it’s important that you know more about me than my title and a few accolades.

I’ve gone through some things, namely: molestation, rape, low-esteem, substance and domestic abuse, as well as depression and suicide attempts, and by the grace of God, I’ve overcome them all. The most exciting details of my life have to do with the redeeming power of God. My journey through pain and personal failure have fueled my passion for delivering the message of hope, through Jesus Christ.

My devotion to God and love for people inspires me to make content that both encourage and empower the Body of Christ. I’ve started the following organizations and businesses to reinforce biblical principles: The Girls Club, Baby Mommas Club, and Dynamic Publishing + Production. My mission in life will never change but my methods will. I invite you to share in the journey!

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