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Come Out in Jesus Name Movie

As we have stepped into the ERA of Glory for the Ekklesia we have seen an increased need for deliverance, counseling and healing ministry. Ministers Greg Locke, Isaiah Salvidar, Alexander Pagani, Jennifer Martin and many others have felt the mandate to step up in demonstration and teaching in the arena of Deliverance ministry and training.

I myself have sensed the leading of the Lord to help train the body of Christ how to handle these types of things the most healthy, loving and pure way as possible. The body of Christ has found itself in many errors, excesses and extremes and therefore we need extensive training from the Holy Spirit.

The movie Come Out in Jesus Name has begun to rise at the box office with many stories of moviegoers experiencing their own deliverance as they are led by Pastor Greg Locke in a prayer at the end. Many Believers have gone to see a movie and then found themselves needing to step up and share the love of Christ with others and lead them in prayer for deliverance.

Here are a couple of my favorite stories that some of my personal friends have shared with me:

1. Dear Pastor friend of mine who lives in New England was at the encore showing of the movie where there was not a prayer included at the end. He said the Holy Spirit spoke to his heart to ask the people if there was anyone who needed prayer....The next thing he knew many were responding to that appeal. There were some demonic spirits who left with shrieks Acts 8:6 When the crowds heard Philip and saw the signs he performed, they all paid close attention to what he said.7 For with shrieks, impure spirits came out of many, and many who were paralyzed or lame were healed.8 So there was great joy in that city.

There were many others falling to the floor with tears as the Spirit of God ministered to their hearts and others who even threw up as God set them free!

2. Another local friend told me of a woman who he and his wife prayed for at a showing who was set free of some bondage. They exchanged contact info with her and the next day she reached out to them saying she needed more prayer because she was not completely free. They set up a time to meet with her for some follow up prayer & counseling. Upon becoming totally free she got baptized and has been continuing discipleship and fellowship.

When the movie came back to town for an encore showing she went with the couple who had walked with her through her deliverance and had the opportunity to pray for someone else into THEIR HEALING AND DELIVERANCE!!!! THAT, my friends, is how it is supposed to be!!!!

As the movie hits the theaters, for a 3rd encore showing we, the church, have an opportunity to follow the instructions of Jesus in Matt 10:7. Will you ask the LORD if YOU should make yourself available to help someone else find Healing, Freedom and Deliverance through Jesus?

If He does not lead you to attend a showing will you please pray for those us that are going?

Will you lift us up to be LED BY HIS LOVE, Anointing, Power and Instruction of the Holy Ghost?

Will you set aside time to pray for those who NEED HEALING?!

To find Showtimes in your city click Here: Come Out In Jesus Name | Locke Media

For those in the Charleston area Here are the Showings where we need Christ centered representatives to be available for prayer

Northwoods Stadium Cinemas – North Charleston, South Carolina

Movies 8 – Summerville, South Carolina **Starts daily on April 28

Regal Azalea Square – Summerville, South Carolina **April 23rd & 30th



To sign up for showtimes so that we know which local theaters have coverage please fill out this form:


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