OSL Charleston, SC, invites you to our Fall 2023 Healing Conference

Living as Healing Disciples of Jesus

featuring Rev. Josh Acton
OSL North American Director
Friday, October 6 (at 7 PM) and Saturday, Oct 7, 2023 (9 AM-5 PM)
in person only at Seacoast Church, West Ashley Campus
2049 Savannah Hwy, Charleston SC, 29407
This conference will focus on our call to become healing disciples, growing and living that call, and being sent and sending others sending others into the harvest filed of Jesus Healing Ministry
Conference fee: $25/person for registration and lunch Saturday.
For those requiring overnight accommodations a block of rooms have been reserved at hotels adjacent to the Seacoast West Campus
To register or for more information, contact: osl@oslcharleston.com