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Holiness Begets Holiness

Word to The Ecclesia:

We are living in a New Era, and The Lord is speaking

“Now” words to His Bride, to His Ecclesia.

Sitting at the feet of The Lord, I heard Him say:

I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man comes to the Father, except by Me. (John 14:6)

Holy am I; Holy is the Father; Holy is the Spirit. True intimacy with Us produces holiness in you.

Holiness begets[1] holiness, which begets holiness. Holiness is being birthed, and then reproduced, in and through My holy ones; those who have chosen to abide[2] and reside[3] within My Kingdom of Light. As you fully dwell in My Light, in My Presence, you will become vessels that I will use to beget holiness in others.

Continue to press in to more and more holiness, working out your salvation with Me[4], and you will see more and more holiness springing up around you. It will be as though you are sowing seeds of holiness wherever you tread.

As these seeds are being spread, declare the heavenly plowing of the soil on which they have landed. Though the plowing will be uncomfortable for many, it will result in a planting that ushers in a desperation for water and light. Because the seed is alive and is actively in search of water and light in order to germinate and grow, a great hunger and thirst will arise within those who have received the seed.*

Pray for a “desperation around you leading to holiness”, and I will answer. You are being called to walk in a deeper holiness than you have ever fathomed; thus, opening you up to “The More” that I have for you. Activation to be a carrier and distributor of this seed of holiness will occur through your obedience and your humble heart.

You will not know or even recognize when and where these seeds of holiness are distributed. Just be positioned to walk in continued holiness, always seeking after Me, as you declare the plowing of the soil into a “state of desperation” in the hearts of men.

Once buried down in the dark soil through the plowing, the seeds will respond in desperate search for water and light. Then comes My work; I am the living water and I am the holy light. I will pour out My living water[5] and My holy light[6] over these seeds that have been planted in the hearts of men.

Your job is to walk in holiness, thus automatically releasing the seeds. From there, declare the “plowing” of the soil of hearts, which will lead to desperation. Then watch, and you will see the beauty of My handiwork, displaying that…holiness begets holiness, which begets holiness.


* Click or copy/paste to listen to song, “Hunger”:


[1] Beget- to cause something to happen or exist; to produce, especially as an effect or outgrowth.

[2] Abide- John 15:4 Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me.

Strong’s Concordance- to remain, not to depart; to continue to be present; to be held, kept, continually.

[3] Reside- to live in a place permanently; to be inherently present.

[4] Philippians 2:12

[5] John 7:37-38 … Jesus stood and cried out, saying, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.”

[6] John 8:12 Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.”


Until Next Time…



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