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Interview with Christina Hugie

Meet Christina Hugie STORIES & INSIGHTS JANUARY 5, 2023 We caught up with the brilliant and insightful Christina Hugie a few weeks ago and have shared our conversation below.

Christina, thanks for taking the time to share your stories with us today Let’s start with the story of your mission. What should we know?

I received salvation through Jesus Christ in 1995 due to a very real encounter with Him. I received an intimate, tangible, powerful touch from Heaven that changed my life forever. Because of that encounter I continued to pursue getting to know the Creator. Since becoming a Christian I have also been confronted with the reality that much of the “church” has not represented the ONE that they claim to serve. I have found that there are many hypocrites as well as many with simply a lack of maturity and understanding. After graduating from Bible college and serving God and the church for many years I felt a pull to make a difference on a greater level. Many of the problems within the church stem from us all having division among us. Whether it stems from racial, cultural, denomination or other reasons, there is simply no excuse for this faulty representation of Christ. That is what motivated the Network of Kingdom Bridges.

Christina, love having you share your insights with us. Before we ask you more questions, maybe you can take a moment to introduce yourself to our readers who might have missed our earlier conversations?

We are called to provoke the believer to the “more” that is available in Jesus Christ. We are here to help believers realize that apart from Him, our works are filthy rags. B

y partnering with the Holy Spirit, nothing is impossible. By yielding ourselves to His way of walking out the visions and dreams he’s placed in our hearts, we can bring Kingdom cultural change to our spheres of influence.

We are commissioned to connect ministries & ministry leaders, through relationships & connection, to see how we can best advance the Kingdom TOGETHER. We are to be vessels who help bring restoration and freedom to a culture and region by intentionally connecting body parts through racial, cultural and denominational cross-pollination ALL with Kingdom purpose at the root!

If we want to be the most effective we can be for this GREAT END TIME HARVEST, we MUST work together in our spheres of influence BUILDING up, teaching & equipping the Saints FOR THE WORK OF THE MINISTRY.

One of the ways we do that is to allow the members of our Network to add their own content to our site. They can post blogs, videos, services they provide, and even sell merchandise. We also encourage them to post events that they are hosting or are aware of around the nation that are related to Kingdom of God work.

We meet with local leaders in our city and spheres of influence to see how we can come together to collaborate and bring greater impact to our cities and regions. We have members who create music, write poetry, artists, authors, graphic design, book editors, publishers, do overseas missions, local humanitarian works in their cities and much more.

We help to create an additional platform for them to be connected to others through networking and relationship building.

What’s been the best source of new clients for you?

For me, every stream that I am involved in that generates relationships, opportunities and business are all based on trust. Word of mouth about integrity, intent, sincerity as well as what is produced, is always the best advertising! People are willing to give you a chance when they believe you have their best interests at heart and will produce quality results. I build websites, post on social media, do a lot of admin work, as well as bookkeeping for some of my clients. These opportunities came about because of relationship. They heard a great recommendation from someone they knew or met me themselves.

Contact | KingdomWeb&Designs ( Have any books or other resources had a big impact on you?

I took a course at Kingdom Builders Business University, LLC and learned everything from how to start a legitimate business, marketing, business setup, management, business credit vs personal credit and much much more. I would encourage everyone that is considering starting a journey to walk out the dreams that are in their hearts to not be afraid to invest in themselves. Take the leap! There are great resources out there to get educated on what you need to know to succeed. It is MUCH better to start right the first time instead of having to backtrack and fix all your mistakes.

****Since the publishing of this article I have realized that I should have included some of the resources that had an impact on my life spiritually, not from a business perspective....

I would say the biggest impact on my life was the 5 years I spent immersed in the tangible Presence of God at the Brownsville Revival. I met Jesus there and HE became my best friend, confidante, LORD & Savior. Every part of who I am today is a reflection of what was experienced and deposited to me in those days and what has taken root and grown from the seeds that were planted in me then.

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