Hello Charleston Prays Together Leaders and Friends,
Please share this invite with any you know who might be interested.
Praying through Christ for the Holy City,

As some of you know, we meet on the third Friday each month to pray for our city, state, nation and the world. This month, we are going to focus on praying for Israel. Please join us on Friday, October 20th at 10am in the Middleton Chapel on the third floor of St. Andrews in Mount Pleasant, SC. This is open to the community, so please invite any friends to come with you. Hope to see you there! St. Andrews Church of Mt. Pleasant
Jan Truesdale and Wendy Grams
If you need more information about this event, please contact Wendy Grams at wdgrams@yahoo.com

Charleston Prays Together
1151 George Browder Boulevard Mount Pleasant, SC 29466