The School of the Prophetic
Leaders: Phill Urena and Salvatore Cinquemani
Meeting monthly on Saturdays starting October 8th
For more info >> https://www.kingdomconvergence.com/school-of-the-prophetic
APPLY HERE: https://forms.gle/qXQZ6yL8KzyzrWEe7
The prophetic has been often either misunderstood or dismissed for being unnecessarily strange. In the School of the Prophetic, we will lay a Biblical and cultural foundation for both the Gift of Prophecy and the role of the Prophet in the New Testament Church.
So much of what we see in the prophetic is unnecessarily weird, and at times self-exalting. The world needs to see a mature, wise, approachable, safe, and highly effective prophetic tribe who lives with integrity, humility, love, and honor for God’s people. The purpose of this school is to train such prophetic voices in our region. We need mature prophetic ministries in our region to speak God's heart and mind effectively into the Church.
Our teaching style is built on the rabbinical model, more conversation and less lecture, so the school is very interactive. We want our students to learn, grow, and mature in their gift, while having fun and developing relationships with other prophetic people from the region.
We will focus our time together in four general studies:
We will study both the Old Testament and New Testament, unwrapping what they have in common and what has shifted for us living in the New Testament/Church age. While we may think prophecy “is” prophecy, there are distinct differences between the function of prophecy in the Old Testament and how the gift and role is different within the community of believers in the New Testament times. Much of the Church misunderstands these distinctions.
Spiritually and emotionally whole people are going to be most effective in Kingdom ministry in general, but even moreso with regards to the prophetic. We will focus on identity, spiritual and emotional wholeness, accountability (not a bad word when done with love and honor), and character. Students will gain an understanding of various barriers to effective ministry including the strongholds of religion, rejection, as well as poor theological foundations that prevent effective prophetic ministry in the local Church and the region.
Cultivating your personal walk with the Holy Spirit and how He integrates the message with the person delivering the word so it's released with wisdom, grace, and accountability. How do you discern a word? How do you process it and deliver it so it is most effective? Discerning the intent of the Spirit in a prophetic word. All that is practical in prophetic ministry, hearing, seeing, sensing, knowing, and processing the word so it hits the target.
This is the fun part, opportunities to exercise the gift in a safe place helping the student to be a healthy, effective practitioner of the prophetic words and the Gift of Prophecy.
School begins the first Saturday of October and ends the first Saturday in June. We will be meeting the first Saturday of each month, with the exception of November and May, when we will meet the second Saturday. Class starts at 9:30am and ends at 3:30pm, with a one hour break for lunch. While this is a two-year program, and we highly recommend doing both years, students do NOT have to commit to both years when they enroll. Only students who successfully finish Year One can enroll for Year Two.
If you are not local to us you can enroll for the school online. Online students have the same time and study commitment as those who attend in person.
INVESTMENT FOR THE YEAR: $750 + books for required reading

Contact us at info@kingdomconvergence.com if you have any questions!