I’m equating gold here to the benefits that came from these trials. The sufferings do not compare with the glory that shall be revealed in us (Romans 8:18).
A greater glory came into my life after I had suffered. You might be wondering how this glory was manifested?
1. The first thing I noticed was how tender my heart became. There was a deeper love and compassion moving in me. It seemed like I loved everyone I looked at. It was a very different operation for me that I had never known so consistently. Here is a scripture:
“That He would give you, according to the riches of His glory, power to be strengthened by His Spirit in the inner man, and that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; that you, being rooted and grounded in LOVE may be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth and length and depth and height, and to know the LOVE of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the FULNESS of God (Ephesians 3:16-19).”
Notice the connection between knowing the love of Christ and being filled with all the fulness of God.
Knowing the width, length, depth, and height of His love that passes your intellectual knowledge is how you will come to be filled with all the fullness of God. This is the greatest transformation anyone can receive in this life.
To be filled with the revelation of God’s love is to be filled with all His fullness. There is nothing greater. As disciples of Jesus, we’ve got to move past identifying ourselves with anyone or anything outside of Christ — whether it be our failures, weaknesses, infirmities, our greatest achievements/accomplishments, man’s acceptance and approval, performance and what we do or don’t do, our jobs/careers and status in life, our churches, ministries, finances and so on — and move into a full-fledged identity with His love.
The heart that knows he is loved by God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ ceases to look elsewhere for love, peace, satisfaction, and fulfillment. His delight is in the Lord. He has found his dwelling place and his rest in Him. When you receive a revelation of His deep love for you, it will put a pure delight and contentment in your soul. It is then that you will truly live free and full.
These words will change your life and minister light and revelation to your heart.
I’m not saying that suffering is the only way to increase this love in you. It can be done through continually praying that Ephesians 3 prayer for yourself and others as well. It will work wonders in you because that is the perfect will of God for all saints. Why waste time praying unscriptural prayers that bear little fruit when we have the privilege of praying scriptural prayers and praying in the Spirit with other tongues and groanings and travail (Romans 8:26)?
The second greatest benefit I received was simply a greater revelation of the Word of God. I felt like I could open my Bible and words would just leap from the pages. I could point my finger to any verse and start preaching that verse. It was incredible! That lasted for well over a year when the Spirit of God anointed me to write 5 books. The first book was on this love and newfound power that was working in me. The Lord told me that this love and power was one of the greatest needs the Church had in this hour — to be moved by His great love and walk in His power. Thus, the title of the first book, THE SUPERNATURAL CHURCH OF LOVE & POWER.
Sensitive readers began testifying that this was the most anointed book I had written. It was my 13th book, so that is saying something, because, of course, I think they are all anointed (smile). If the Lord gave it to you it’s anointed.
After I recovered from my illness this anointing to write and even to preach and teach definitely increased exponentially. You don’t just wake up one day and write 5 books in one year. That fountain of revelation was a nonstop flow. I couldn’t shut it off, so I just kept writing until it started to wane. By the time it did I had 5 books that were gold for the body of Christ, and the Lord said they were forerunners for the move of God, and they will bring great understanding to many ministers and saints of what Jesus is doing in His Church today, but not all Christians would receive them.
I don’t have a large platform, so many people do not even know about these books or of my calling to write. If they did, they would benefit greatly. Why do you think Jesus gave ministry gifts unto men? It is for their benefit. When genuine apostles and prophets are not received who suffers the most? It’s the body of Christ.
My life’s greatest work is to write. I’m not boasting. That’s the word of the Lord I received many years ago. Some people think it’s about book sales and making a buck. No! One thousand times no! It’s a calling and mandate to help equip the body and bring them to maturity. My books have very little fluff and wasted words. That’s my flow and writing style that readers have testified to. Books are teachers that can go where you can never go. Take advantage of anointed authors and their writings.
Anyway, that’s enough for now.
To be continued…
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I hope these are a been a blessing to you.
Much love,