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I've lost complete confidence in the political system of America. Unless there is a major move of repentance across our nation, we will become a byword to other nations, and possibly enter into WW III in the near future. I don't say that to scare you, but to awaken many to the perilous times we are in.

When me and my little family left West Africa as missionaries in the 1990s it was not because we were discontent or unfulfilled. Quite the contrary. Our work in the Muslim country of Gambia was bursting at the seams with new life and vibrancy. The tiny remnant of the body of Christ there were being ignited toward the harvest. Young ministers were being birthed and equipped for ministry. One young man became a spark plug in the Roman Catholic church. Another went on to ignite the Methodists. Yet others were breathing new life into the Anglicans. The villages were being reached. Our training centers were impacting denominations and the common people in a great way. We were seeing new births, baptisms with the HS, healings, and miracles. We never wanted to leave...until the outpouring in Pensacola when God opened a supernatural door for us to go and equip more young ministers there, among whom are now doing great works all over the world and here in America. Glory to God!


God has always so graciously honored my prayer as a hungry Bible school student many years ago to be in the center of all the Lord was doing on the earth. And now we are still in a move that involves the underground Church of America, and to add frosting on the cake with a cherry on top (-: , the Lord is sending us back to the nations on strategic high-impact, Church altering, nation-changing assignments. It is amazing! You'd hardly believe it if I told you.

Moreover, the Lord is raising up sons and daughters to help us, and some to travel with us. What a season of joy and fulfillment we are entering into! And to think that two years ago we were in the deepest valley of our lives. Beloved, do not faint in the day of adversity. God is faithful to remember your labor of love and work of faith, and in due season, you will reap. And if you've fallen short like we all have and been unfaithful, His mercies are new every morning, and with God, you can begin again and have a fresh start.


Carolyn and I are leaving for Colombia, SA this week. All we lack are more resources and travel funds. We covet your prayers and giving. Colombia is an unstable country right now and we are going into a few dangerous areas, but I personally thrive in those situations because I know the Lord is with me. This is a great and effectual open door with many adversaries, but also a God-ordained opportunity for revival in the churches and a nation-shaking once-in-a lifetime opportunity. For one example, I will be the first American preacher to preach on the secular socialist government radio station there that reaches 50 million people potentially.

Pray that we might have tremendous utterance and that we may go in the fulness of the blessing of Christ.

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Many many thanks and blessings on your sowing.

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