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Writer's pictureholyfiremin


You can’t withdraw from that which has not been deposited. That’s true both naturally and spiritually.

From my early beginnings I’ve always been blessed by the Lord with a ravenous spiritual appetite for wisdom and truth and the standard of what is found in the Scriptures. In the pics below you will find a few stacks of old notebooks and study materials gathered in my early years of study. Since the arrival of the internet I’ve kept everything in files and folders on my computer and iPhone. I’m talking thousands upon thousands of study notes.

The withdrawals I’m now making from these decades of deposits are coming forth in abundance. In books. In audio and video teachings. In our travels and meetings. In our Holy Ghost Forums. In conferences. In fathering and mentoring others. I wake up with utterance. I go to bed with utterance. There is an urgency in my spirit to write everything down. To get in front of a camera and just share the burden of my heart and life. Four books on one theme in the past year, and a dozen in the last decade. And more are coming…it’s my life’s greatest work, the Lord said. So why wouldn’t I be diligent with that directive?

Who do you think God intended those for? For me? No! It’s for YOU: church leaders, ministers, and saints in the body of Christ. But many are asleep and have no real hunger for wisdom and truth. So the Lord recently led me to start translating my books for the nations.

I have spiritual sons and former students in the nations that I send my manuscripts to even before I publish them. They are hungry! But in America it’s just another book, and the comsi, comsa, yawning type of twittle-your-thumbs attitude prevails. Many ministers and authors want the glory of writing their own books, but not too interested in reading those of others. They rejoice in what they’ve done, but God forbid that others should out-succeed them; whatever that means.

Can you rejoice in others accomplishments or are you burning with jealousy and envy because you don’t have the same measure of grace they’ve been given, so you labor in the flesh in vain to produce outside your own grace. This is America, people! This is most of the American Church and ministry! Most of ministry here is a big rat race for popularity. Get a grip. Grow some discernment.

Do I think I’m special? Not at all. But I know I’m a friend of God, and that’s all I’ve ever wanted to be, and I know my sphere and boundaries of the grace I’ve been given. No man can receive anything unless it’s been given to him from heaven. But I’m happy to say that God has a remnant. They are hungry and thirsty. They are the underground Church of America. Those are the ones I’m presently looking for. I can’t waste precious pearls and that which is holy on dogs and pigs. I’m sorry, but that’s the Word, folks.

Most of the Western Church is in a state of spiritual stupor. Stagnancy and dullness prevails. Friendship with the world is rampant. Very little activity in their spirits, but a lot of flesh, carnality, emotions and feel-good pursuits. I understand; life is hard. It’s a very stressful time. You need a break. You need an outlet. But if you don’t pay attention to your spiritual life, that’s when the devil will cut your throat. All the more you need to feed your spirits. Our books and messages have a sanctifying effect on serious readers. And there are many other good ones out there from fine men of God. But it’s really a time for fathers now. This age will end with the last two verses in Malachi 4.

“Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day. And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.”

This is not necessarily a plug for my books, but a rally cry for spiritual discernment. Some churches have purchased our books for their members as required reading. God bless them. It’s encouraging to me, lest I should also labor in vain.

There is a jungle of knowledge in the secular world today and in the church world. Most professing Christians have no discernment for what is divine, human, or even demonic. It breaks my heart. And I often wonder, “what are we doing? What are we feeding these people?” I see so many cracks in our foundations. We minister in churches mostly on weekends and leave so burdened to deposit more. Then the Lord reminds me that I’ve left my books there for those who want more. But there is so little hunger for any depth of the Word that we write. Most believers are shallow and need milk. Meat is for those who’ve exercised their spiritual senses. I believe this is one big reason the Lord is opening up many nations to us now.

But for maximum multiplication and fruit, Carolyn and I know we’ve got to father and mentor church leaders, elders, and younger ministers, and pour into those coming up after us. That must now be our total focus. But so few know how to recognize the anointing and listen for it. They talk too much. After all, you only know what you know. You don’t learn anything when you do all the talking. That’s a characteristic of youth and baby Christians.

My life is consumed with fathering and mentoring day and night. My time is shorter than the younger generations. I’ve asked the Lord for at least 20 more years, and then if I’m not satisfied I’ll keep going.

Thanks for letting me spill.

I love you.

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