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Writer's picturebassbeatdrums82

What's flowing from your heart?

Watch over your heart with all diligence, from it flows the springs of life PROVERBS 4:23

What’s flowing from your heart? Is it building & sustaining or is destroying? What goes in eventually comes back out. The sights & sounds, the words of others take root and over time the evidence of what’s been growing comes to light.

Bitterness, secrecy, suspicious thoughts take root in areas where we choose not to take ownership for our actions. Trust me, I lived this way for years.

Not everyone’s hidden things show themselves in anger at first. I was highly skilled at wearing the mask of always being happy, yet deep within I wasn’t.

Guilt and shame, years of hiding behind lies and many masks was tormenting me. I had so much to maintain and keep up with. The fears of being exposed or one of my deepest fears, admitting that I had hurt so many pushed me deeper into addiction.

You see, I had never taken care of my heart, my inner man…. my secret place with Jesus. The place where everything changed, changes and continues to provide healing and strength.

Keeping our heart, our inner man fed in a manner that produces inwardly something that can be sustained outwardly is vital.

In an age where most are fed through “likes” & “followers”, their hearts rarely step away from the bells & whistles, the flashing lights and just sit in silence. Retreating to the garden & river, the mountains and the wilderness Jesus would detach himself from the daily distractions of life and seek the face of His father, our creator YHWH.

From this communion, Jesus son of man & son of God walked in the miraculous. People were healed, wisdom went forth and those whom the world was ready to stone with accusations were launched into a trajectory that has forever transformed the world.

There is a healing today that can begin with your heart. But you must draw close to the one whom can speak life. Let Him shine light on your inner space. This is a place of rest, healing and transformation. No one else can change your heart, only He who created it.

Take the time to sit, rest and listen. Step away from the same distractions and listen. Talk with Jesus, He promises if you seek Him that you will find Him. I didn’t even know I was seeking Him until I almost lost it all. In that place, in that moment His love was pursuing me. In that moment I trusted.

Daily I had to learn to trust again and again. As I trusted I found healing from years of trauma. Was it always easier? Certainly not. Yet minute by moment, seasons turned into years. As I fellowshipped alongside of the Holy Spirit I began to hear the voice of the Lord.

My prayer for you all today is protect your heart, not defend the actions. Surround yourself with people whom will love you and speak truth to you. Find a mentor that will walk beside of you and teach you from their years of life experience. You don’t have to figure this out alone. Surround yourself with people that walk in gentleness, humility, honesty, integrity and patience….. the qualities will help a heart to heal and mature.

If you are daily surrounded by gossip, anger, fits of rage and jealousy then protect your heart and step away. These actions keep us in a system of FIGHT or FLIGHT. Always on edge, anxious restless. It’s difficult to do anything other than maintain image when we are merely surviving, always on guard; rarely feeling secure and protected.

So ask yourself today, which heart is yours?

From the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks… what are you speaking?

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