North Carolina! I say, O Carolinas SING! Sing in Unity! Sing as ONE. The bitterness from the old bitter root is burned out of you. Your wound is cauterized—healed by MY STRIPES! I call the Watchmen and Prophets to SOAR with Carolina like EAGLES! Shift! Shift! Shift! Shift into the WEALTH I have anointed you for. Enter into MY OUTPOURING! Revival FIRE! Revival FIRE! O Carolina SING! SING O NATION’S GATE! Rise HIGHER and HIGHER above the tumultuous fray and SING! MY GLORY is RAINING on you!
(6/6/23,Heidi Contreras)
Prophetic Art and Word,
State of North Carolina
6th Tour of Duty
55 Day Tour of Duty-Gathering the Spoils 2023
Divine Recovery Tour: Restitution, Recompense, and Reward!
2023- 5783
Thank you Heidi!
Posted by: Betty Love
Love Ministries, Inc. Online Giving: loveministrieslive.com By Mail: Love Ministries, Inc. P.O. Box 8097 Laurel, MS 39441